After having visited and twice-posted about the Philbrick-Cricenti bog of rural New London , southern New Hampshire , in late spring (, I returned once again to investigate what new plants might be in bloom. Specifically, I was hoping to find the spectacular bog orchids that I heard bloom during the summer. I was duly rewarded with an incredible botanical display!
The bog is a poorly-drained (soil-saturated), acidic (decomposing), nutrient-poor (receives no organic runoff), kettle-hole (glacially-derived) wetland that receives its precipitation largely from rain rather than from an inlet-stream or neighboring-runoff. It is covered with a soft, interwoven, spongy mat of Sphagnum moss, sedge, and dwarf heath shrubs that literally floats on the surface. Beneath this “buoyant carpet of vegetation” are the partially, decomposed remains of waterlogged, dead plant material called peat. Essentially, Sphagnum moss and other plantlife grow at the surface and die at the bottom contributing to the formation of peat. The plant communities that inhabit the waterlogged realm of the bog are capable of tolerating its unique and demanding environmental conditions by exhibiting an enormous capacity for adaptation and diversification.
To visit the bog’s buoyant interior and not disturb the fragile plantlife underfoot, one must walk upon a mile-long network of trails on wooden planks. The planks provide a safe path over the floating mat of tundra plants. It’s an amazing experience!
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A plank of boards leads from the peripheral wooded region to the center of the bog. Notice the magenta flowers of the Calopogon orchid scattered throughout the floating mat of Sphagnum and sedge.
Orchids are an extremely diverse family of plants morphologically that occur in a virtual rainbow of colors. They get their name from the Greek word for testicle that refers to the appearance of their underground tubercles (which not all orchids possess). Orchids are actually the largest family of flowering plants having twice the number of species as birds and four times the number of mammals. Its flower is a very unique reproductive structure that allows both pollination and seed formation.
All orchids are members of a flowering group (angiosperm) of plants called monocots (meaning one leaf in the embryonic leaf-stage) versus dicots (with two leaves). Monocots (such as palms and the grass family of plants like rice, corn, wheat) include many plants cultivated for their blooms such as lilies, daffodils, irises, tulips, and of course orchids. Examples of dicots include roses, magnolias, tomatoes, peanuts, and trees such as oak and maple. The orchid’s flower, being a monocot, is trimerous, meaning the flower has petal-parts that are in multiples of three.
Surprisingly, orchids occur in almost every habitat with the exception of glaciers and deserts, but are even found above the Arctic Circle . The greatest majority are found in the tropics with the world’s richest concentration of orchid varieties found in the Himalayan region of Nepal .
Orchid Distribution of Growth: Red band = terrestrial and epiphytic (grow in trees) Yellow band = terrestrial orchids only (From Dressler, 1981) |
Monocots evolved early in the history of flowering plants during the Early Cretaceous, and certainly before dicots. The orchid is thought to have evolved from a lily-like ancestor. Flowering plants co-evolved with insects. Flowers diversified with vivid colors and fragrances in order to attract pollinators. The orchid’s flower is specialized in order to attract specific insects in order to increase the chances of pollination.
Cross-pollination is a beneficial strategy for long-term survival. It provides variation in populations (speciation) for flexibility in the face of environmental change. Thus, “orchids have formed an alliance with insects” (Stephen Jay Gould). They evolved an astonishing variety of “contrivances” (Charles Darwin) to attract insects such as the shape, color and fragrance of the flower’s sexual organs. This serves to insure that sticky pollen adheres to the visitor and ensures that pollen contacts the female parts of the next orchid by the insect, thereby exchanging genetic information (ergo cross-pollination).
Pollintors, by the way, don't just include insects such as bees. Many orchids have established pollinator relationships with flies, gnats, moths, butterflies, hummingbirds, and even bats!
Cross-pollination is a beneficial strategy for long-term survival. It provides variation in populations (speciation) for flexibility in the face of environmental change. Thus, “orchids have formed an alliance with insects” (Stephen Jay Gould). They evolved an astonishing variety of “contrivances” (Charles Darwin) to attract insects such as the shape, color and fragrance of the flower’s sexual organs. This serves to insure that sticky pollen adheres to the visitor and ensures that pollen contacts the female parts of the next orchid by the insect, thereby exchanging genetic information (ergo cross-pollination).
Pollintors, by the way, don't just include insects such as bees. Many orchids have established pollinator relationships with flies, gnats, moths, butterflies, hummingbirds, and even bats!
The most unique aspect of orchids are their exotic flowers which have many structural variations. As with most insect-pollinated flowers, the orchid’s flowers are brightly colored, possess a strong, sweet fragrance, and produce an attractive nectar (the pollinator’s reward). Some orchids have single flowers, but most have an inflorescence (arrangement) with a shoot bearing many flowers.
The most unique aspect of orchids are their exotic flowers which have many structural variations. As with most insect-pollinated flowers, the orchid’s flowers are brightly colored, possess a strong, sweet fragrance, and produce an attractive nectar (the pollinator’s reward). Some orchids have single flowers, but most have an inflorescence (arrangement) with a shoot bearing many flowers.
Being a monocot, the orchid’s flower possesses two whorls (spirals) of six petals (in multiples of three). The outer whorl has three sepals, which in most flowers are green. In orchids, the sepals are usually similar to the petals (orchid’s sepals are then called tepals). The sepals are connected to the stem and protect the flower in bud. The inner whorl has three petals (usually the showy part of any flower), but one particular petal called the labellum (lip) is distinctly modified and enlarged. The orchid’s labellum provides a landing-platform for pollinators and is usually on the lower part of the flower (resupinate). All aspects of the orchid flower's anatomy is geared toward insect attraction, staying awhile, and cross-pollinating!
These morphological features of the orchid's flower can be seen in the Calopogon below which was in full bloom at the bog. Dazzling!
Stamens are the male reproductive organs of all flowers with the pollen-containing anther at the end of a stalk or filament. The female reproductive part of a flower is called the carpel. It includes the stigma located at the top of a style (where pollen germination occurs) and the ovary (at the base of the carpel). Germinated-pollen produces a pollen-tube that grows down the style to get to the ovary, which becomes the fruit (a ripened ovary) and contains the seeds.
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A typical flower illustrating multiple male stamens surrounding a centrally-located female carpel.
Notice the green sepals and the colorful petals.
(Modified from
In the orchid both sex organs are combined into one unique, reproductive organ called the column (gynandrium), which is the distinguishing character of the orchid family. The tip of the column holds the male anther and its mass of pollen, and below it is the female stigma, that receives the pollen upon pollination. Below the stigma is the ovary, which is actually below the flower and within the stem of the plant.
The beautiful magenta-flowered Calopogon tuberosus (Greek for “beautiful beard”) is also known as “Grass pink.” The beard refers to the cluster of yellow-hairs on the labellum which sits at the top of the flower (non-resupinate) rather than the customary bottom position (resupinate). The Calopogon is a hardy orchid despite its delicate beauty and loves the acidic-soil of the bog. Its presence in the bog is an indication of a high quality and healthy, hydrologic system.
The Platanthera (Habenaria) blephariglottis or “White-fringed” orchid is variably considered to be endangered, threatened or vulnerable in many regions. Its "Orange-fringed" cousin grew by the thousands in Rhode Island and around New York City , but urban sprawl made them a memory. The Platanthera loves the wet soil found in bogs, and the moist banks of lakes, rivers and streams. It has lateral sepals that bend downward and outward. The plant has many white to cream-colored flowers which are pollinated by butterflies and moths.
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The labellum of the Platanthera is fringed and has a slender, elongated spur.
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In the first week of July, this multi-flowered Platanthera is perhaps a week away from full bloom.
Its flowers are arranged on a stem in an inflorescence with a close-cluster of flowers.
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In the sunniest part of the bog, the White-fringed orchids are closer to full bloom.
In venturing out onto the bog I had no idea of the varied, delicate, exotic and beautiful orchids that grew there. In fact, I had little conception of the dynamics and complexity of the entire biome of the bog. For me, the Philbrick-Cricenti bog continues to be a source of stunning beauty, new wonders and surprises at every change of season.