Saturday, March 31, 2012 Used "Written In Stone...seen through my lens" as a Geological Site Reference

Special thanks are again in order, this time to!

Geocaching used "Written In Stone...seen through my lens" as a geological reference for their geocache adventure called "Plums in the Pudding I: Mission Hill." They also added, "Dr. Jack Share, whose geological knowledge, reference and enthusiasm have been most valuable and inspiring."

You can check it out at:

They also linked to my post in which I discussed the Architectural Geology of Boston, specifically the evolution of the Roxbury Conglomerate within the Boston Basin and the tectonic journey of the Avalon terrane:

What is “geocaching?” Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played by adventure seekers throughout the world equipped with GPS devices or a GPS-enabled phone. The basic idea is to go outside and locate hidden containers called geocaches using the GPS device. The GPS coordinates of geocaches are listed on the Geocaching's website (  All you need to do is plug (download) the co-ordinates into your device and head outside to find the cache. Over a million geocaches are hidden worldwide.

Once you are close, you have to discover the geocache on your own (it’s in a container and generally the size of a loaf of bread), and they can be very cleverly hidden. Once you find the cache, find the log book. If you take something from the cache, leave something of equal or greater value in its place, so that there’s something there for the next geocacher to find. When you’re done, rehide the cache exactly as you found it. When you return from your geocaching adventure, visit to share your adventures with the community.

The journey in discovering the geocache is often the greatest reward. Fresh air. Exercise. A nice hike. Great views. Entertainment. Camaraderie (take a friend). And even education.

Numerous educational references are given online for each Geocache. That's where we came in.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Read What's Online Technology Magazine said about "Written In Stone...seen through my lens"

Thanks go to the on-line science and technology magazine and their blog entitled Wired Science!

Blog editor Brian Romans, assistant professor in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech, mentioned "Written In Stone…seen through my lens” for the week of January 9-15, 2012 stating that it caught his eye.

He also says, "Jack Share...writes an epic post about the Great Unconformity in the Grand Canyon. He includes tons of photos and this is only part 1. Wonderful stuff."

Here's the link: 

Thank you, Brian!

Check out his post below (slightly blurry after magnification)...